Bug Out Bags
From our Feb 2025 Session.
Skill Share Leader: Halie
Goal: Create a bag for each member of your family that will cover the most basic survival needs for a 5-7 day period.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
How will you communicate with your loved ones during an emergency? What if cell towers are down? Does everyone know the plan?
How will you manage and care for your pets during an emergency? What supplies will they need?
Do you have everything you would need to permanently leave your state or country? I.e Passport, Birth Certificate, etc
How often do you need to rotate the supplies you’ve chosen? Have you set a reminder to do so?
Do you know how to use everything included in the bag? Ask Halie or others for help learning!
Will I be able to cover the most critical elements of survival in order:
Remember: The average healthy human will survive 3 hrs without protection from elements or warmth, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food
When thinking about survival, even without preparation, we can also remember the 5 C’s
Cutting tools
Combustible materials
Bug out bags should serve your personal needs and (hopefully) the challenges you will face. For this reason, pre-made versions should be avoided.
As a final note, please learn to use all items BEFORE you need them. Halie is happy to help with practice and answering questions at any time.
Suggested Items
Most Critical:
40-50L backpack with hip belt
Sleeping Bags or Blankets for each person
Battery or Crank powered light source (1 per-person)
Spare Batteries for Light Sources
2 weeks of medications
5-7 days of non-perishable food
Camp stove (if food you’ve chosen needs heating)
Camp fuel (if food you’ve chosen needs heating)
pot/skillet/bowls utensils (if applicable to chosen food)
Warm Hat
Warm Gloves
Coat - warm layer, but also something that can be used as PPE
Rain Jacket, Poncho or tarp
PAPER MAPS, preferably water resistant (immediate area, and potential destinations)
50ft rope/webbing
Sharp knife and/or Multi-tool
Critical Documents (Passport, SS Card, Id’s, Birth Certificates, Bank Info, Proof of Address, Copy of Home deed and Car title)
Water Bottles
Water Purification source (one or all of the following)
Gravity filter
In Bottle filter
Water Purification Tablets
High Quality First aid kit (Must contain the following)
Suture kit
Large compresses
Any otc medication you use in times of discomfort
Lighter and/or Rain-proof matches
Bear Spray
Face Masks - n95 or better
Insect repellant
Toilet Paper, Wet wipes
5 Changes of Socks, Underwear, etc
2 sets of clothes - layering items are best
Very Useful, Potentially Lifesaving:
Travel size toiletries
Detergent Packets
Firestarter brick
Flares and or Emergency Whistle
Power Bank, Charged - with charging cords
Extra charging cords for devices
AM/FM crank radio
Camp Stove and fuel
Basic Cooking supplies
Hand Sanitizer
Duct Tape
Eye Protection, Goggles
Good to have:
Inflatable or Packable Pillow
Sleeping Pad
Camp Lantern
Solar Panel Kit
Self-Defense (bat, gun and bullets, etc)
Leather work/garden gloves
Walktie-talkies and batteries
Instant Coffee packs
Garbage bags
Folding Shovel
Sewing Kit
Zip Ties
If you have pets:
Leash and Harness
Food for 5-7 days
Long lead 25-50 feet
Pet first aid kit
Pet Medications
Pet boots/shoes (protect from glass and other hazards)
Paranoid, but useful:
Portable Faraday cage to store electronics in
Gas Mask
Iodine pills (radiation mitigation)