I started this group in the hope that it would become a healthy and accepting place to build community and to grow with others.
I personally believe that so much of our feelings of powerlessness come from feelings of isolation and being trapped in a system of consumerism, discrimination, and corruption. If we can help each other divest even a little bit from feeding those systems, we may be able to regain some of that lost power. With knowledge comes wisdom, with power comes courage and strength, with love and wisdom and power comes positive action.
Given the state of our nation and world, it feels so easy to retract into our own fear and feelings of powerlessness. My hope instead is that we give each other the gift of knowledge and the gift of each other in the hope that we can not be ruled by these dark days. Idealistic, maybe. But everything worth doing is.
Going forward this will be a space to collect our newsletters and collected resources for posterity and access. I hope you find them useful!